My sketches and inspirations behind my model and prototype.
I research a lot on MIDI players and the designs but however I notice that most of them are in shape on squares or
rectangle. It is very hard to find a midi that has a unique shape that would match my energy of liking. However,
MIDI player has been around for quite some time and than it being a square shape means it is working well amongst
DJ as well as other musical users.
However I've also decided to incooperate different shape and sizes through sketching as well as looking at other
product not relating to a MIDI player and putting it into new source.
With all the inspirations gotten from the internet, I've decided to design my own and see how it would work out in the future.
But things to take note are buttons as well as wirings.
Will I be able o fit it in?
Will it be user friendly?
Can other people use it and not jsut musicians?
How much will all the materials cost?
Hence with this sketches and design, I hope to show it to Andreas and get some constructive feedback from it. Be it good or bad I will take it in and improve in the future if need be.
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