Week 11 (Sem 2)

Farhan Superfly

Working on Open Studio.


20-24 March

On week 11, I've decided to finish up taking images of my product that was presented during open studio. However they are still changes to be make for the prototype to look more professional and complete.

Prototype Photography

On week 11, I have decided to take a professional image of my product base on my Open studio. Eventhough it wasnt refine yet, I still feel proud of the work and that I believe it would really look good if i were to take a proper image of the product. Andreas have also nicely planned our table to be shown during open studio so that audience understand our work and the flow of it by putting it in a left to right manner which is a basic human instinct whenever they view an exhibition.

Intro > Process > Outcome

The start of the table will alway be the intro where we talk about the 5W and 1H which is "What, where, when, why, who and how." To answer that question, I will put in down in point form to betetr understand my works.

⇀ What : My work revolves around the use of machine learning which is dedicated to designers.

⇀ Where : User can use free existing machine learning tools that have been curated by engineers.

⇀ When : Can be use at any point of time and learning on how you use it while putting it in a correct form is important as well.

⇀ Why : This is to promote better design and critical thinking as well as machine learning helps to increase productivity.

⇀ Who : My target audience would be for designers in general.

⇀ How : In order to promote machine learning within designers, I decided to have a simple workshop or machine learning tools they can use.

Next will be the process on how I continued on my project on promoting machine learning by giving out workshops not only for designers but other users as well to understand how these tools works and at the end of the day hoping that they might use it in the future.

Last but not least is my outcome. What my outcome is generally a MIDI player where user will be able to create their own random beat and using Nsynth (a machine learning tool by google) which will generate for you a new audio according to your preferance. You can also generate a new beat or sound and that. Why I choose a MIDI to promote machine learning because that is the most fun way someone can learn about it. I also added some visual to attract them as well.

Inspiration for next product

For the next product, I've look into many types of MIDI player or even just a synthesizer or modulars. There are alot of minimal looking ones online and the one that caught my eye was one that was design by a company called Teenage Engineering. Below would be the inspiration images I got from their website which they design for musicians.

However to really reach their level is very far from achieveable for me so I would do the best that I can. Also their products are generally made my experts which explains why their modular are really really small and sleek.

Also I decided to take images of my spendings on new things because I can haha. Pretty much buying in Singapore is really expensive so I decided to order some bulks online as it would save me money eventhough I have to wait for quite some time.

Some footnotes: Modular, synthesizer, machine learning, music, generative art.

Whats Up for Next Week?

I have decided to take my time off to buy some materials to work with on the following week with all the research that I have done such as to what are the materials my product need, how do i do my wiring. I also thought of the final designs on the colors of my knobs and buttons

Some footnotes: Knobs, Buttons, Arduino, publications.