Week 9 (Sem 2)

Farhan Superfly

A Trip To Gideon's studio.


6-10 March

Decided to head down to Gideon's studio for inspiration of publications that I can look forward to do for my catalogue of making as well as any other extra publications I want to make.


Silver cover pages ↘

There were lots of publications that caught my eyes and that I was motivated to make something like that. However, things to take note is also the matarial as well as the fonts and also image quality. I also had a good chat with Gideon's wife on what she was doing before and also if she was into publications as much as Gideon.

I also had a good talk with Gideon's wife according to what she was majoring in and how has a life been in the design industry, Also I think that Gideon needs more book related to technology and design as when I ask about it, he rarely had anything haha. But all in all I love the little tour given by him.

Whats Up for Next Week?

Getting ready to source for places to buy my stuff from. However I wanted to buy tech from shoppee instead but I was afraid it might come later than expected and that I would have time to finish everything especcially the soldering and wirings.

Some footnotes: Publications, Gideon's studio.